Lenggries için kar tahmini: Hafif yağmur (toplam 2.0mm) başta, sonra karın tozlaşmasıyla daha soğuk Pzt akşamı. Donma- çözülme koşulları (en fazla 3°C Pzt sabahı, en az -1°C Çar gecesi). azalan rüzgarlar (serin rüzgarlar B'dan Pzt akşamı, sakin Sal sabahı).
Lenggries Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Lenggries is: Hafif yağmur (toplam 2.0mm) başta, sonra karın tozlaşmasıyla daha soğuk Pzt akşamı. Donma- çözülme koşulları (en fazla 3°C Pzt sabahı, en az -1°C Çar gecesi). azalan rüzgarlar (serin rüzgarlar B'dan Pzt akşamı, sakin Sal sabahı).
Lenggries Weather (Days 4-6): Hafif yağmur (toplam 2.0mm) başta, sonra karın tozlaşmasıyla daha soğuk Cum gecesi. Donma- çözülme koşulları (en fazla 5°C Cum sabahı, en az 0°C Per sabahı). Rüzgar genelde hafif olacak.
Lenggries Canlı Hava Durumu
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Hava Durumu
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Snow-Forecast.com tarafından desteklenmektedir
Lenggries Hava Durumu
(Sonraki 3 gün):
Lenggries için kar tahmini: Hafif yağmur (toplam 2.0mm) başta, sonra karın tozlaşmasıyla daha soğuk Pzt akşamı. Donma- çözülme koşulları (en fazla 3°C Pzt sabahı, en az -1°C Çar gecesi). azalan rüzgarlar (serin rüzgarlar B'dan Pzt akşamı, sakin Sal sabahı).
Lenggries Hava Durumu (4-6 Gün):
Hafif yağmur (toplam 2.0mm) başta, sonra karın tozlaşmasıyla daha soğuk Cum gecesi. Donma- çözülme koşulları (en fazla 5°C Cum sabahı, en az 0°C Per sabahı). Rüzgar genelde hafif olacak.
Hafif yağmur (toplam 2.0mm) başta, sonra karın tozlaşmasıyla daha soğuk Pzt akşamı. Donma- çözülme koşulları (en fazla 3°C Pzt sabahı, en az -1°C Çar gecesi). azalan rüzgarlar (serin rüzgarlar B'dan Pzt akşamı, sakin Sal sabahı).
Sonraki 4-6 günlük hava durumu özeti:
Hafif yağmur (toplam 2.0mm) başta, sonra karın tozlaşmasıyla daha soğuk Cum gecesi. Donma- çözülme koşulları (en fazla 5°C Cum sabahı, en az 0°C Per sabahı). Rüzgar genelde hafif olacak.
Yukarıdaki tablo Lenggries merkezi 1700 m yüksekliği için hava tahmini vermektedir. Gelişmiş hava modellerimiz sayesinde Lenggries merkezin üst, orta ve alt kayak istasyonu için kar tahmini sağlamaktayız. Diğer yüksekliklerin hava tahminlerine erişmek için, tablonun üzerindeki sekme gezintisini kullanın. Hava durumunu tamamen görüntelemek için, Germany ülkenin Hava Haritasına bakın.
Donma seviyeler hakkında ayrıca bilgi için ve sıcaklıkları nasıl tahmin ettiğimizi öğrenmek için buraya tıklayınız.
Lenggries Ziyaretçi Yorumları
Genel olarak 4.3 Temelinde 1 oylama(lar) ve 2 yorum
A great working bavarian village, an hours drive from Munich airport, probably more suited to a long weekend rather than a week. Our children learnt to ski on the small uncrowded, and cheap runs of the wegshied. Very limited skiing for the Big kids, just a couple of blacks and a handful of reds on the brauneck, all skied in a morning. However as a first ski for kids it cannot be faulted, it is very child friendly. when youve had enough skiing hire a toboggan or go to the swimming pool/spa (half inside, half outside)and swim whilst admiring the slopes. Great restaurants, not crowded or overpriced. Great Bavarian fodder...filling with a sprinkling of lederhosen. We thoroughly recommend the 'bunker' for a great meal by an open fire, and schwarz on the crossing for strudel and hot chocolates. Lots of good accomodation to be found. Chocolate box houses, and very large apartments. We have stayed in a couple, very clean and very reasonably priced even at Easter/half term. If you go self catering use the small shops rather than the supermarket...much more fun even if your German is limited. Important to note...little english spoken(hooray!) and credit cards not readily accepted...they like their cash!!
As a ski experience it is very different from the tour packages, full of locals doing what locals do,and the odd ski bodies like our good selves.Don't expect wild apres ski!
Finally if you get there and the snow disappears, head south to Austria....Seefeld only an hours drive away and also great for kids.
Garmish and kitzbul are aslo close if you are easily lured to the glitzy resorts...we know which we prefer.
Hope you enjoy your stay.
A great working bavarian village, an hours drive from Munich airport, probably more suited to a long weekend rather than a week. Our children learnt to ski on the small uncrowded, and cheap runs of the wegshied. Very limited skiing for the Big kids, just a couple of blacks and a handful of reds on the brauneck, all skied in a morning. However as a first ski for kids it cannot be faulted, it is very child friendly. when youve had enough skiing hire a toboggan or go to the swimming pool/spa (half inside, half outside)and swim whilst admiring the slopes. Great restaurants, not crowded or overpriced. Great Bavarian fodder...filling with a sprinkling of lederhosen. We thoroughly recommend the 'bunker' for a great meal by an open fire, and schwarz on the crossing for strudel and hot chocolates. Lots of good accomodation to be found. Chocolate box houses, and very large apartments. We have stayed in a couple, very clean and very reasonably priced even at Easter/half term. If you go self catering use the small shops rather than the supermarket...much more fun even if your German is limited. Important to note...little english spoken(hooray!) and credit cards not readily accepted...they like their cash!!
As a ski experience it is very different from the tour packages, full of locals doing what locals do,and the odd ski bodies like our good selves.Don't expect wild apres ski!
Finally if you get there and the snow disappears, head south to Austria....Seefeld only an hours drive away and also great for kids.
Garmish and kitzbul are aslo close if you are easily lured to the glitzy resorts...we know which we prefer.
Hope you enjoy your stay.
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