Vlašić Resort Guide

The Vlašić resort summary is: Vlašić has 5 lifts within its terrain that is suitable for intermediate level. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 2270ft of vertical range and surrounding area. There are 11 trail at Vlašić. Read More

Photo Credit: BenjaminVlašić  Tatil Yeri Rehberi

Vlašić Resort Guide

The Vlašić resort summary is: Vlašić has 5 lifts within its terrain that is suitable for intermediate level. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 2270ft of vertical range and surrounding area. There are 11 trail at Vlašić. Read More


Tepe: 6368ft
Etek: 4098ft

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Fotoğraf kredisi: vlasic-bih.com

Vlašić ziyareti

Vlašić seyahatinizi planlamanıza yardımcı olacak faydalı tatil yeri bilgileri

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  • Turizm Ofisi Web Sitesi
  • Turizm Ofisi Telefonu
    387 61 792 505

Vlašić Özellikleri

Vlašić arazisi şunlar içerir::

  • Halfpipe
  • Kayak parkları
  • X-Ülke
  • Kayak Kiralama

Vlašić tesisleri nasıl bir yer?

As you might expect, lift passes are much cheaper at Vlašić than in the Alps. This review is from the manager; Vlašić is equally distanced from the Adriatic Sea and big cities in the region and serviced by good roads. The highest peak at Vlašić is Opaljenik ( alt.1943 m). There are more than five months with snow per year. Since there are traditionally very few bad storms there, one might call this mountain as friendly and rather comfortable and gentle for a longer stay. The tourist attractions of Vlašić are well developed, and besides hotels, there are numerous cottages offered for rent. There are interesting events and competitions held throughout the whole season. Last, but not the least, you cannot talk about this mountain without mentioning the famous Vlašić cheese. If you decide to visit, you will get the ultimate opportunity to taste it at its place of origin. Vlašić Mountain is well connected to city of Travnik by well kept roads and represents the core of winter tourism in this area. Some years ago it was known by its ski jump competition "The Vlašić Trophy" at the 90m jumping arena. It was one of Europe's most southern and most natural arenas. Vlašić earned the "Silver Snowflake" award for the best winter centre. There are five ski lifts with a capacity of 4600 skiers per hour. There is a lot on offer at Vlašić; from snow safaris with snow scooters to concerts and discos. For the last few years one could say that the night-life of Vlašić has simply been just great! Night-skiing is offered too.

Vlašić Arnsberg Konum Haritasını İnceleyin

Etkileşimli Vlašić parkur ve pist haritası. Bölge kırsalını dolaşmak için pist ve parkurların yanı sıra çevredeki arazi ve dağ yapısını görüntüleyin. Kayak merkezi işaretlerine tıklayarak yakındaki kayak merkezlerini bulun ve karşılaştırın.

Vlašić Canlı Hava Durumu

Tatil yeriKar KalınlığıSıca. (°F)Rüzgar (mph)Hava Durumu
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Bir Vlašić ziyareti için en karlı ay hangisidir?

MartOrtalama: 3.1 haftalık kar günleri
Vlašić merkezindeki en karlı hafta, Mart ayının 1. haftasıdır. Bu hafta boyunca genellikle 3.1 karlı gün ve 11.8in kar yağışı vardır. Aşağıda yer alan Vlašić Kar Geçmişi grafiklerine göz atın.

Vlašić Ziyaretçi Yorumları

Genel olarak: 3.9 Temelinde 8 oylama(lar).

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