Aussois için kar tahmini: orta derecede kar düşüşü, çok yoğun Paz gecesi. Sıcaklıklar sıfırın altında olacak (en fazla -5°C Paz gecesi, en az -7°C Pzt gecesi). Rüzgar genelde hafif olacak.
Aussois Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Aussois is: orta derecede kar düşüşü, çok yoğun Paz gecesi. Sıcaklıklar sıfırın altında olacak (en fazla -5°C Paz gecesi, en az -7°C Pzt gecesi). Rüzgar genelde hafif olacak.
Aussois Weather (Days 4-6): yeni karın hafif kaplaması, çoğunlukla düşerek Cum akşamı. Sıcaklıklar sıfırın altında olacak (en fazla -4°C Cum gecesi, en az -7°C Per sabahı). Rüzgar genelde hafif olacak.
Aussois Canlı Hava Durumu
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Hava Durumu
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Aussois Hava Durumu
(Sonraki 3 gün):
Aussois için kar tahmini: orta derecede kar düşüşü, çok yoğun Paz gecesi. Sıcaklıklar sıfırın altında olacak (en fazla -5°C Paz gecesi, en az -7°C Pzt gecesi). Rüzgar genelde hafif olacak.
Aussois Hava Durumu (4-6 Gün):
yeni karın hafif kaplaması, çoğunlukla düşerek Cum akşamı. Sıcaklıklar sıfırın altında olacak (en fazla -4°C Cum gecesi, en az -7°C Per sabahı). Rüzgar genelde hafif olacak.
Some cloudy spells at Tignes. Just a light breeze today. Freeze-thaw conditions. No fresh snow. The pistes have good snow. Off-piste snow is wind affected. kaynak Tignes
14km uzakta Aussois 'dan
- Office de Tourisme de Val Thorens18 hour önce
Ski/board conditions are okay, more snow would be good. Strong winds at altitude. kaynak Val Thorens
Bir sonraki güncelleme: sa dk sn
6 Day Forecast
Yayınlanan: 12 am 10 Mar 2025 / Gelecek güncellemeler ::
orta derecede kar düşüşü, çok yoğun Paz gecesi. Sıcaklıklar sıfırın altında olacak (en fazla -5°C Paz gecesi, en az -7°C Pzt gecesi). Rüzgar genelde hafif olacak.
Sonraki 4-6 günlük hava durumu özeti:
yeni karın hafif kaplaması, çoğunlukla düşerek Cum akşamı. Sıcaklıklar sıfırın altında olacak (en fazla -4°C Cum gecesi, en az -7°C Per sabahı). Rüzgar genelde hafif olacak.
Some cloudy spells at Tignes. Just a light breeze today. Freeze-thaw conditions. No fresh snow. The pistes have good snow. Off-piste snow is wind affected. kaynak Tignes
14km uzakta Aussois 'dan
- Office de Tourisme de Val Thorens18 hour önce
Ski/board conditions are okay, more snow would be good. Strong winds at altitude. kaynak Val Thorens
Yukarıdaki tablo Aussois merkezi 2750 m yüksekliği için hava tahmini vermektedir. Gelişmiş hava modellerimiz sayesinde Aussois merkezin üst, orta ve alt kayak istasyonu için kar tahmini sağlamaktayız. Diğer yüksekliklerin hava tahminlerine erişmek için, tablonun üzerindeki sekme gezintisini kullanın. Hava durumunu tamamen görüntelemek için, France ülkenin Hava Haritasına bakın.
Donma seviyeler hakkında ayrıca bilgi için ve sıcaklıkları nasıl tahmin ettiğimizi öğrenmek için buraya tıklayınız.
Aussois Ziyaretçi Yorumları
Genel olarak 4.0 Temelinde 8 oylama(lar) ve 4 yorum
Been to Aussois twice, just came back (Jan 2012). The only other resort I've been to is Garmisch-Partenkirchen (also twice).
I am a beginner skier. The ski instruction was excellent (private lessons from ESF guy named Denis; taught me well)! You can have English instruction as I did.
Some have already commented it is great for families - I would have to agree very much. I have a 6 y/o and 4 y/o that enrolled in the ski school there - it is amazing to see my 6 y/o skiing now (she has attended the school on three occasions).
The atmosphere is small town for sure! If you appreciate a place off the beaten path for a genuine Alps feel, while also having everything you need well within reach, this is great! The views are breath-taking. Fantastic - and not bustling, fast-paced, dodgy. Really, you can bring the kids and feel at ease!
I reference my brochure now (I just returned from Aussois) - there are 5 "very difficult", 7 "difficult", 6 "intermediate level", and 6 "easy" pistes at this resort.
At welcome center for skiing, English help avail, but with any vacation in France don't expect everyone to speak English (like Germany or NL). During my visit there were mostly Italian and Dutch tourists, so language should not be a hang up. I encountered less than five native English speakers in the whole week - that may be a plus for some wanting a "get away."
We stayed in a caravan camping area "La Bouidonerre" - anyway look up info if you have a caravan to travel and love skiing and family it is great! Can't speak for hotels but clearly there are plenty places to stay there judging on what I saw traveling by the bus. The bus is great - but it can get packed - not to worry the bus drivers know what they are doing - but it can get crammed some.
Been to Aussois twice, just came back (Jan 2012). The only other resort I've been to is Garmisch-Partenkirchen (also twice).
I am a beginner skier. The ski instruction was excellent (private lessons from ESF guy named Denis; taught me well)! You can have English instruction as I did.
Some have already commented it is great for families - I would have to agree very much. I have a 6 y/o and 4 y/o that enrolled in the ski school there - it is amazing to see my 6 y/o skiing now (she has attended the school on three occasions).
The atmosphere is small town for sure! If you appreciate a place off the beaten path for a genuine Alps feel, while also having everything you need well within reach, this is great! The views are breath-taking. Fantastic - and not bustling, fast-paced, dodgy. Really, you can bring the kids and feel at ease!
I reference my brochure now (I just returned from Aussois) - there are 5 "very difficult", 7 "difficult", 6 "intermediate level", and 6 "easy" pistes at this resort.
At welcome center for skiing, English help avail, but with any vacation in France don't expect everyone to speak English (like Germany or NL). During my visit there were mostly Italian and Dutch tourists, so language should not be a hang up. I encountered less than five native English speakers in the whole week - that may be a plus for some wanting a "get away."
We stayed in a caravan camping area "La Bouidonerre" - anyway look up info if you have a caravan to travel and love skiing and family it is great! Can't speak for hotels but clearly there are plenty places to stay there judging on what I saw traveling by the bus. The bus is great - but it can get packed - not to worry the bus drivers know what they are doing - but it can get crammed some.
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